Course Outline

This 12-week part-time Python course is designed for complete beginners who have no prior programming experience.

The course covers all the fundamental topics of Python programming language from scratch, as well as bonus topics such as Git and GitHub, and Data Structures and Algorithms.

Git & GitHub For Collaborative Programming

In this module, you will learn how to use the popular version control system Git and the code-hosting platform GitHub to manage your code.

Introduction to version control system

Basic Git Commands

Branching and Merging

Working with Remote Repositories

Creating Pull Requests on GitHub

Resolving Merge Conflicts

Best practices for version control

Python Basics and Programming Fundamentals

This module is designed for complete beginners who have no prior experience in programming.

By the end of this module, you will be able to write Python code to solve basic problems.

Installing Python and setting up the environment

Data types, variables, and operators

Conditional statements and loops

Functions and modules

Input and output handling

Error handling

Object-oriented programming concepts

Data Structures and Algorithms

In this module, you will learn about various data structures and algorithms that are widely used in computer science.

By the end of this module, you will be able to apply these concepts to solve more complex problems.

Lists and List Comprehensions




Introduction to Data Structures and Complexity

Searching and sorting algorithms

Recursion and dynamic programming

Task Automation

By the end of this module, you will be able to create Python scripts to automate repetitive tasks and save yourself time and effort.

Automating real-world tasks with Python

Working with files and directories

Working with Regular Expressions

Working with Excel and Word

Generating PDF files and sending emails

Scheduling tasks

Web Fundamentals and Web Crawling

In this module, you will learn the fundamentals of web development and web crawling.

By the end of this module, you will be able to build a simple web application and crawl websites to extract useful information.

Introduction to Web Fundamentals

Introduction to HTML

Introduction to CSS

Introduction to JavaScript

REST API and API Calling

Web Crawling using BeautifulSoup and Selenium

SQL, Data Processing and Visualization

By the end of this module, you will be able to extract data from databases, process it using Python, and create visualizations to gain insights from the data.

Introduction to SQL

Working with Databases

Data processing with Python

Data analysis and manipulation

Data visualization

Caspar, the Instructor


About the Instructor

Former Senior Software Engineer of Morgan Stanley, with substantial experience in software development and technical recruiting, to help you land job offers with ease.

  • Landed offers from various top-tier investment banks
  • Master in Computer Science, graduated from top university in Hong Kong
  • Oracle Certified Professional Java Programmer
  • Amazon Web Service Certified Solutions Architect
  • Google IT Support and Automation with Python Professional Certificates

Pricing and Discounts

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  • 12-Week Course, three-hour lesson x 1 per week
  • Lecture Notes, Exercises and Capstone Projects
  • Real interview questions from Investment banks and MNCs
  • Top-Tier Investment-Bank Career Guidance and Support (Exclusive)